Based in New Orleans, Louisiana, Robert Steeg is Co-Managing Partner of the Steeg Law Firm, a boutique real estate and business firm. He posts about real estate and business law as well as popular culture and social trends, including media reviews and social commentary and even some fiction.

Interactive:  What Are Your Favorites?

Interactive: What Are Your Favorites?


What are your favorite albums, CDs and movies?

Take a look at my Top Fives listed below. Send me a response about what YOU would list in your Top Fives, and I'll add your responses to this blog post. I'll keep a running tally, and together we will find out what are everyone's favorites.

If you'd like to see other categories, let me know and i'll add them.

Record Albums/CDs

1. Paul Simon, Hearts and Bones                                  

2. Jackson Browne, Late for the Sky                   

3. The Beatles, White Album

4. Eagles, Hotel California

5. Rolling Stones, Hot Rocks

Serious Movies                                          Humorous Movies

1. Saving Private Ryan                               1. The Big Lebowski

2. Field of Dreams                                     2. Fantasia

3. Star Wars (yes, it is serious)                 3. A Thousand Clowns

4. The Da Vinci Code                                4. Stir Crazy

5. Five Easy Pieces                                    5. Young Frankenstein




Some Tips on Section 1031 Exchanges

Some Tips on Section 1031 Exchanges

Poker, Sex, and Stereotypes for Actionable Negotiation Techniques

Poker, Sex, and Stereotypes for Actionable Negotiation Techniques