All tagged landlords

Belts and Suspenders for Landlords, but the Tenant Can Still Cause the Pants to Fall 

In a recent case decided by the Louisiana Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which has jurisdiction over Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, a landlord put into its lease all of the proper provisions to relieve the landlord from liability for injuries inside the leased premises, but those provisions still could not prevent the tenant from having her day in court to try to impose liability on the landlord.

All Landlords Need to be Aware of These Rules

A case decided by the Louisiana Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit in January of 2016, KM, Inc. v. Weil Cleaners, Inc., should be viewed as totally routine and utterly unremarkable. It followed several rules of law that are well established in both the cases and the Civil Code. Yet many landlords are unaware of these important rules and therefore continue to make mistakes that cause them to lose cases like this one.